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R' Judah Mischel & R' Ari Dembi: Finding Our Place in This World | Inspiration for the Nation E27

R' Judah Mischel & R' Ari Dembi: Finding Our Place in This World | Inspiration for the Nation E27

This dynamic duo collides leaders of two of the most special camps in Judaism. R' Ari Dembitzer, Rav of Beth Israel in Omaha Nebraska, and Head Counselor of Chai Lifeline's Camp Simcha, a medically supervised overnight camp for children battling cancer, blood disorders, and chronic illnesses. R' Judah Mischel, Executive Director of Camp HASC, the Jewish community’s premier summer program for individuals with special needs, and Mashpiah of OU-NCSY and the author of "Baderech: Along the Path of Teshuva" We have an open conversation about leadership, vulnerability and finding one's mission in life. We also discuss how to find focus. * SPONSOR LINKS * Do Even More The Flatbush Community Fund helps the families in need in Flatbush.  All donations will change lives. ► Donate here:  or here ________________________ Get Your Esrog Here The ultimate, convenient & personalized esrog shopping experience! ► Get yours here: or call us 7324474846 Use PROMO CODE “LL5” for 5% OFF ________________________ Awesome Book HeavenWords - Elevate Your Tefillah... And Yourself. Transform your connection to Hashem for under $25!  ► Available in Jewish bookstores everywhere or buy here: ________________________ ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬ Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide! Thank you! 🙏 ➡️ This episode is in memory of: • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima! ► Here: ____________________________________ Follow us on social media for more content: • TikTok - • IG - • FB - • LinkedIn - • Website - Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here: • USA: (605) 477-2100 • UK: 0333-366-0154 • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Have a specific question? email us WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513 Lchaim. #jewishpodcast #podcast #judaism #inspiration #podcasts #lchaim #Livinglchaim #jewish #yaakovlanger #jacklanger #jewishideas #torah #jewishthought #kosher #israel #jewishleader #hashem #rabbi #shabbat #shabbos #orthodox #music #jewishmusic #judaism #campsimcha #camphasc #dembi #judahmischel #yerusalem #yerushalayim #mbc #miamiboyschoir



Times of Israel


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